James Murphy

Financial Planner

Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser James Murphy, Portsmouth

James’ role at Lawrence Clarke

James has more than a decade of financial services experience working with some of the UK’s leading pension and investment providers, before becoming a financial adviser. He specialises in tailored advice with a focus on pensions, investments and protection.

James takes a holistic approach to financial planning, working with clients to understand their unique financial goals, and ensuring that their investment strategies align with their objectives while ensuring maximum tax efficiency.

When James isn’t working

James lives in Emsworth with his wife, Aisling, and their son. In his spare time, he enjoys family trips, keeping fit, and walks in the countryside with their dog Tayto.

James in the spotlight

Where is your favourite location in the world?

Glendalough, Wicklow, in Ireland.

What's a talent or skill you possess that not many people know about?

Me and my dog are Scentwork experts and with his help, I can find a piece of cheese from 500ft.

What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?

Never stop learning and treat others how you want to be treated.

What’s your proudest moment as a financial planner?

Assisting a client who had faced debt struggles and believed they would need to work into their 70s before contemplating retirement.

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